tisdag, februari 11, 2025
HomeAllmäntNy version av Mozilla Firefox 18.0.2

Ny version av Mozilla Firefox 18.0.2

Blogg_MozillaMozilla har släppt nya versionen av webbläsaren Firefox, som nu är uppe i version 18.0.2.

En del nyheter är dessa

FIXED 18.0.2: Fix JavaScript related stability issues
FIXED 18.0.1: Problems involving HTTP Proxy Transactions (Associated bugs)
FIXED 18.0.1: Unity player crashes on Mac OS X (bug 828954)
FIXED 18.0.1: Disabled HIDPI support when using external monitors to avoid rendering glitches (bug 814434)
NEW Faster JavaScript performance via IonMonkey compiler
NEW Support for Retina Display on OS X 10.7 and up
NEW Preliminary support for WebRTC
CHANGED Experience better image quality with our new HTML scaling algorithm
CHANGED Performance improvements around tab switching
DEVELOPER Support for new DOM property window.devicePixelRatio
DEVELOPER Improvement in startup time through smart handling of signed extension certificates
HTML5 Support for W3C touch events implemented, taking the place of MozTouch events
FIXED Disable insecure content loading on HTTPS pages (62178)
FIXED Improved responsiveness for users on proxies (769764)

Det finns ett par buggar kvar för dem att lösa och en lustig bugg är WebGL biten som plötsligt slutade fungera i förra uppdateringen.. irriterande men nog på väg att lösas.

Unresolved If you try to start Firefox using a locked profile, it will crash (see 573369)
Unresolved For some users, scrolling in the main GMail window will be slower than usual (see 579260)
Unresolved Animated Personas or Themes now require a workaround. See this support page
Unresolved Windows: The use of Microsoft’s System Restore functionality shortly after updating Firefox may prevent future updates (see 730285)
Unresolved Mootools 1.2.x incompatible with Firefox 18 and newer.Fixed in Mootools 1.3 and newer (see 789036)
Unresolved Starting Firefox with -private flag incorrectly claims you are not in Private Browsing mode (see 802274)
Unresolved on v18 Resolved in v19
Unresolved Certain valid WebGL drawing operations are incorrectly rejected, leaving incomplete rendering in affected pages (see 825205)
Unresolved on v18 Resolved in v19
Unresolved Plugins stop rendering when the top half of the plugin is scrolled off the top of the page, in HiDPI mode (see 825734)
Unresolved on v18 Resolved in v19



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